5 Sunscreens For Sunburn In Hot Summer Without Breakouts
Summer is in full swing, so the beaches and pools are filled with swimmers. In the desire to get a tan, many of them are excessively exposed to the sun. Others, on the other hand, avoid the use of protection products. It often happens that certain parts of the body, such as the earlobe, forehead and nose, are inadvertently skipped when applying sunscreens and lotion. As a result of all this, sunburn occurs.
There is almost no man in the world who has not faced this problem at least once in his life. Over time, all skin damage caused by uncontrolled sunbathing accumulates, threatening to develop into melanoma and skin tumors.
Applying sunscreens 20-to-30 minutes before sun exposure, every one to two hours, is the best approach

Sunburns caused by the age of 20 are especially dangerous. So in that period, the most important thing is proper protection. It is also very important to know that you recognize the first symptoms so that you can react in time. Therefore, prevent deeper changes in the skin.

How do sunburns occur?
Solar radiation manifests itself in three forms. UVC radiation is mostly absorbed in the ozone layer, so it does not reach our skin.
UVA rays are very strong. Not only do they penetrate deep into the skin, but they have the power to pass through glass, clouds, water, and are also present in the solarium. Although they cause darkening of the skin without burns, they should not be neglected. Because the damage they create is not immediately visible.
Spf indicates how long we can safely stay in the sun without the risk of sunburn. So, SPF 30 means you can expose yourself to the sun 30 times longer than without a protective factor, and without fear of sunburn. Light-skinned people are advised to use SPF 50+, while darker-skinned people are advised to use SPF 30.
It is important to emphasize that SPF is not a barrier to tanning the skin, so if you want to achieve a darker complexion, do not avoid applying creams with a protective factor, as they do not prevent you from doing so, and greatly help protect against sunburn.
How to reduce sunburn?
There is no specific or natural remedy for sunburns or a perfect recipe for how to get rid of them, but it just takes a while for the skin to heal. However, it is possible to alleviate the pain and discomfort of burns. It is possible to alleviate these symptoms with painkillers. Short-term soaking in cold (but not icy) water or a cold shower can also alleviate the pain.
Adequate sunscreens are one that hydrates the skin, such as aloe vera sunscreen gel. It is also necessary to drink enough fluids (water, unsweetened juices and teas). Baking soda and calendula ointment for sunburn are not scientifically proven treatment measures. Also, if you have sunburn yogurt is not a scientifically proven cure for the same, but it contains probiotics that speed healing, and its coldness will reduce redness and inflammation.